Kulam Project / Live Ecstatic Dance
The audience have a space to forget about their fears, limitations, preconceived notions, and surrender to the flow of music, like the musicians before their eyes do. Witness the birth of human expression with your own eyes and ears, and let your body Be.
A Kulam Journey is a drug-free high; it’s a therapy session; it’s a meditation circle; it is an opportunity to connect to the most basic flow of life, to look deep into the root, and float in the swift current of just being, right here, right now. We collaborate with local talent and Producers wherever We go. No single Event is the same; not only is the music different, but also the musical languages and content are different; we aim to tap into the roots of the land where we are engaging – and expose and support local talent to our ideas while also learning from them..
Kulam Project was born on the island of Koh Phangan in Thailand in January 2019; it grew faster than anyone expected, and in a few months the full houses were getting out of hand. So far We have played hundreds of Events, with more than 500 musicians in many different countries and took thousands of people on an unforgettable trip.

Kulam Project / Live Ecstatic Dance

Tone of Life / Tom Soltron & Abby Delsol

Bartoš Eiliakas / Musical Space Creator

El Manin / Concert

Aitana and Andros / Sufi Dance with Live Music

The Marina / Flamenco Percussion & Movement

Àfrica Nieves / Medicine Wheel & Plant Alchemy

Aga Strauss / Intuitive Art